The bioseparations lab is equipped with cutting-edge instruments and technologies. Some of our instruments include-
1. AKTA Purifier -Liquid chromatography system (GE) equipped with fractional collector and a computer for data analysis
2. HPLC system with Photodiode array (Dionex ASI-100 and ASI-100)
3. Membrane Adsorbers- Pilot scale (Sartobind ® Cation exchanger S & anion exchanger Q)
4. Krosflo Research IIi Tangential Flow Filtration System (Spectrum Labs)
5. UV Spectrophotometer (Beckman Coulter DU640)
6. VersaMax™ Microplate reader (Molecular Devices)
7. Gel imaging system (Kodak Gel Logic 100)
Our association with the Institute for Plant Genomics and Biotechnology gives access to novel facilities such as-
- Capillary DNA Sequencer (ABI 3130xl)
- Real-time PCR Machine (ABI 7900HT & BioRad CFX384)
- Sonicator (Brason Sonifier 250)
- High Pressure Homogenizer (Avestin EmulsiFlex-C3)
- NanoDrop Spectrophotometer (ThermoScientific)
- Plate Reader (PerkinElmer Victor X3)
- PCR Machines- 7nos. (BioRad Tetrad, two ABI 2700 & four Eppendorf Mastercycler)
- Photodocumentation system (Alpha Innotech Alpha Imager, BioRad ChemiDoc CRS+ and GelDoc XR+)
- GenePulser Xcell Electropotator (BioRad)
- Flow Cytometer (BD FACSCanto II)